1. PeopleBrowsr
Find out how your audience is engaging with your brand and your industry. What are the most popular brands online? Discover relevant conversations, advocates, influencers, and brand opportunities.
- Search services include Geo Search & Local Trending ReTweets
- Analytics services include: Track keywords, trends, @names, brand mentions & audience profiles
CHeck it out at: http://www.peoplebrowsr.com
2. Kyoo
Kyoo aggregates all the buzz around your favorite topics from the most popular social media sites, all in one place. Services include mentions from Twitter and Facebook, heat maps & Trending Topics.
Check it out at: http://www.kyoo.com
3. Crowdbooster
Crowdbooster provides the world’s first intelligent social media dashboard designed to help businesses effectively grow and manage their presence online.
Check it out at: http://crowdbooster.com
4. PageLever
Better Facebook Analytics than you ever thought possible.
If you think Facebook Insights leaves something to be desired, you’re not alone. Services include visitors gender and location & measure how many new fans, comments, and post likes come from mobile devices.
CHeck it out at: http://pagelever.com