Tag Archives: CSS

How to add animation to a website

Orlando Web Design Company Small, simple animations are fun and interesting! They can keep your users engaged and spice up your website. Thanks to CS

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Customizing Bootstrap

Orlando Web Design & Development Twitter's Bootsrap is a powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. (more…)

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Orlando Web Design: CSS Page Layout – Understanding CSS Positioning

Orlando Web Design & Development CSS Page Layout: Understanding CSS Positioning There are 3 ways of creating CSS layouts: Using floats &

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Orlando Web Design: Absolute Vs. Relative CSS Positioning

Orlando Web Design & Development 1. Position property: The "position" property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element

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Orlando Web Design: HTML5 for Beginners Lesson 4

Orlando Web Design & Development 1. Styling Links Links must be style with the "LOVE HATE RULE" a:link is used to indicate that the link ha

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Internet History: The Evolution of the Web

The Evolution of the Web visualizes this gradual change in timeline form, tracking technologies and browsers from 1990 through to the present day.

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