5 Reasons Small Businesses Should Join Social Media Platforms

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Social Media Marketing

Regardless of the size of your business, social media can be a powerful tool in your marketing efforts. People are increasingly engaging with social media platforms for different purposes. From having a discussion about a trending topic to shopping, social media seems to offer it all. So, what can social media do for a small business? Here we give you 5 reasons you should get started with social media marketing today.

Why you Should Use Social Media for your Business

In the most basic level, a good reason to engage in social media efforts is simply because your customers are most likely using it, and you should go where your customers are. Nonetheless, that is a simplistic view, among the many benefits of social media, we have:

1. Increase Visibility and Brand Awareness

Are you competitors in social media? Most likely! That means that when your target audience is scrolling through their feeds, they are seeing your competitor’s content and consuming their brand.

Just as reviews are becoming the new word-to-mouth method and directories are taking the place of yellow pages, social media posts are evolving to be the digital era version of window shopping. Make sure your store is on one of those windows.

2. Potential to provide great customer service

It is not a surprise users like to have services and products at their fingertips, and the same principle applies to customer service. If clients have a question about your product/service, they would turn to your social media profile for answers. Whether that is your opening hours on holidays or a more extensive explanation on your services, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram are great channels to provide quick answers and information to customers.

3. Attracts customers

Customers are more likely to buy from a brand that they follow on social media platforms. And, it is not difficult to understand why they do so. As human beings, we tend to gravitate to what we know. If a user has seen your Instagram account, scrolled through the pictures of your products, looked at the deals you offer, and maybe seen that his/her friends are also following your Instagram account, your services/products will be more appealing to that user.

4. Increase Traffic to your website

Businesses profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter usually include a link to their websites. This is valuable traffic that you are receiving since the users arriving on your website have already shown an interest on your brand.

Furthermore,valuable traffic indicates that your website is providing relevant content in your industry. Why is providing relevant content important? Search engines such as Google take relevance and users behaviors into account in their rankings. And, as expected, it is extremely important for businesses to do well on Google ranking.

5. Generate Sales

Social media platforms are great channels to advertise promotions, share appealing visuals of your products/services, and even post behind the scenes content.

Go where your audience is! And don’t underestimate how beneficial an efficient social media marketing strategy can be to your business.

Social Media Marketing Agency

If you are struggling with your social media efforts, M5 Design Studio is an Orlando web design and digital marketing agency with more than 14 years of experience, contact us now for a free and customized quote!


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