Facebook & Instagram Ad Objectives Will Change on Jan 2024

Facebook & Instagram Ad Objectives Will Change On Jan 2024


Meta Ads Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage ads on Facebook and Instagram. It helps you reach your target audience, drive traffic, generate leads, increase sales, and more. But how do you choose the right ad objective for your campaign?

Starting January 2024, Meta will simplify the ad objectives in Meta Ads Manager from 11 options down to just six. The new objectives are: awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion, and sales. All of the same functionality is still available in Meta Ads Manager, though, but merged into a single objective.

Why did Meta simplify the ad objectives?

Meta simplified the ad objectives to help you choose the one that is most closely aligned with your business goal. The six new objectives cover the most common marketing outcomes that businesses want to achieve. They also make it easier to compare the performance of different campaigns and optimize them accordingly.

How will this update affect your campaigns?

You’ll no longer be able to duplicate or import campaigns, ad sets, and ads using the original objectives. You also won’t be able to create new ad sets or ads within existing campaigns that use the original objectives. Later in 2024, the original objectives will no longer be available for new or existing campaigns.

How do the new objectives map to the original ones?

The original 11 ad objectives are consolidated into six, as shown in the table below. Some of the original objectives are no longer standalone, and are instead available as settings or optimization tactics under the simplified objectives.

Original ads objective nameSimplified ads objective name
Brand awarenessAwareness
App installsApp promotion
Video viewsAwareness or Engagement
Lead generationLeads
MessagesEngagement or Leads
ConversionsEngagement, Leads, or Sales
Catalog salesSales
Store trafficAwareness

How to select a simplified ad objective based on your original objective

Choose the simplified objective that best matches your business goal. Here are some examples of how to recreate a previous campaign using the simplified objectives:

  • If you used the original objective of reach to show your ad to the maximum number of people, you can now use the awareness objective and select reach as an optimization setting.
  • If you used the original objective of messages to get people to start a conversation with your business, you can now use the engagement objective and select messaging apps as the conversion location.
  • If you used the original objective of conversions to get people to take a specific action on your website, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, you can now use the sales objective and select website as the conversion location.
  • If you used the original objective of app installs to get people to download your app, you can now use the app promotion objective and select app as the destination. This way, you can still create ads that show your app icon, rating, and screenshots.

How to choose the right ad objective for your new campaign

If you are creating a new campaign, you can use the following questions to guide you in choosing the right ad objective:

  • What is the main goal of your campaign?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where do you want them to take action (on Facebook, Instagram, your website, your app, etc.)?
  • What kind of action do you want them to take (viewing your ad, clicking your link, filling out a form, installing your app, buying your product, etc.)?

Based on your answers, you can select the objective that best suits your needs. For example, if your goal is to increase traffic to your website, you can choose the traffic objective and select website as the destination. If your goal is to collect leads for your business, you can choose the leads objective and select lead form as the conversion location.

How to measure the success of your campaign

Once you have chosen your ad objective, you can track the performance of your campaign using the metrics that are relevant to your objective. For example, if you chose the awareness objective, you can measure the reach and frequency of your ad. If you chose the sales objective, you can measure the return on ad spend and the cost per purchase.

You can also use the attribution tool in Meta Ads Manager to see how your ads influence people across different devices and platforms. This can help you understand the customer journey and optimize your campaign accordingly.

Meta Ads Manager is a great way to create and manage your ads on Facebook and Instagram. By simplifying the ad objectives, Meta makes it easier for you to choose the one that aligns with your business goal and measure the results. Whether you want to increase awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion, or sales, you can find the right objective for your campaign.


If you want to take your Meta Ads Manager campaigns to the next level, you can count on us at M5 Design Studio. We can help you design and optimize your ads on Facebook and Instagram, using the best objectives, strategies, and metrics for your business needs. We are not only an Orlando web design company, but also a digital creative agency that excels in WordPress websites, graphic design, branding, and SEO. If you are ready to work with us, please reach out to us online or call us at 407-968-6296.

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