Orlando Web Design Company
Images are an important part of a website. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the right image & stock photos can get expensive really quickly. In an effort to make this quest a little easier to our fellow Orlando business owners, we have put together a list of our preferred websites for free stock photos.
At our Orlando Web design company, we have three favorite sites when it comes to free stock photos: Pexels, Pixabay, and Unsplash. These three sites all offer free stock photos for both personal or commercial use, and they do not require attribution.
This website offers thousands of high resolution pictures with a myriad of subjects. Even more, they are constantly adding more images. So if you cannot find something today, there is a high chance you will be able to find it soon.
Pixabay offers, free stock images royalty free videos and even vector graphics. According to their homepage, they have over 1.5 million pictures. The variety of formats and subjects makes it a must-have for any web design project.
Unsplash is one of our personal favorites since it offers incredibly beautiful pictures. They have their own Unsplash license, but pictures are still free for personal and commercial use.
Orlando Web Design
Are you still struggling to find images or with web design for your small business? We are an Orlando Web Design company with years of experience working in Orlando and Central Florida. Contact us now for a free consultation!