Category: Social Media Marketing

Orlando Social Media Marketing: Discover how to attract, engage and multiply your customers using social media platforms! From LinkedIn to Twitter, social media allows your business to communicate with your customers by generating online conversations. Contact us to today and grow your business with our digital marketing services.

Social media analytics tools: track & increase your business

1. PeopleBrowsr Find out how your audience is engaging with your brand and your industry. What are the most popular brands online? Discover relevan

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Facebook uses “places” to offer deals to mobile users

Using Places on the iPhone already lets you share where you are and find nearby friends. Now with the iPhone 3.3 application, you can also find ne

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Foursquare: Geolocation Services for Small Businesses

Via NYT:  Geolocation services have become an increasingly important marketing tool for small businesses, especially those that depend on custom

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Twitter Ads for Small Businesses

Advertisers will soon be able to pay for Twitter to suggest that people follow their accounts, and next year, Twitter advertising will expand to

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Market Your Business With Facebook

A growing number of businesses are making Facebook an indispensible part of hanging out their shingles. Small businesses are using it to find new cust

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