5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your WordPress Website

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Orlando WordPress Developer

A new year comes with new resolutions and goals. If one of those resolutions is to grow your business, investing in your website can help you reach more clients & increase your profits. Here’s a summary of steps you should take in 2019 to take your business & WordPress website further.

1. Improve security and invest in web maintenance

To strengthen your website’s safety start by installing or updating your site’s security plugins. If 2018 taught us anything was that updates (even the important ones) can sneak up on you. So, make sure to backup & update your website as frequently as possible in case something goes awry and you need to restore your website to a previous version.

If you are unsure about the security plugin options you have for WordPress, checkout our previous article on WordPress security or contact us for a free website evaluation.

2. Optimize for Mobile

Since Google switched over to mobile-first indexing on June 2018, mobile friendliness is a top priority.  Ensuring your website is mobile friendly will help your pages to perform well on search results. To have a mobile friendly website requires good user interface design & excellent web development. Good user interface design makes it easy for customers to find and perform tasks in all devices. Excellent web development ensures that your website displays correctly in all devices and all content is easy accessible for search engines.

If you don’t know where to start, head over Google’s mobile friendliness test, and test your site.  If you need help improving your site, please contact us. We can help you identify your site’s mobile the issues and get you back on track.

3. Improve site’s quality (create industry or customer relevant content)

Search engines and users are getting better at identifying relevant content in websites. And, with the wealth of knowledge available in the cyberspace, why would users settle for anything besides high quality content? This is why creating relevant & rich content  that answers questions users are googling is important. Thus, make sure to do your research or contact a SEO agency, so your content delivers the right information to your target audience.

4. Improve Site’s Speed

Site speed is one of the most important ranking factors for Google, so in 2019, start by testing your site’s speed. There are plenty of tools and tactics to ensure your website is as fast (or faster) than your competitors. To learn more about them, make sure to take a look at our article 3 Tools To Test Your WordPress Website’s Speed.  Also, after Google acquired “Lighthouse” last year, the page page speed insights scores changed for all sites. Site’s speed is not a one time setup, it requires constant monitoring since the scores can be affected by new content, images, plugins or themes.

5. Implement Schema.org structured data

Structured data allows search engines to understand your websites’ content and to display your site in Google search results as “rich results”.  Structured data includes breadcrumbs, business contact information, logos, sitelinks, searchbox, social profiles, events, products & reviews among others.  If you are unsure if your site uses structured data, test your site at Google’s Structured data Testing Tools.

Incorporating structured data in your site is complex, so don’t hesitate to reach out if  you need help adding the appropriated code.

In 2019, is the time to use your WordPress website as a business tool. Regardless of your industry, websites have tremendous potential to help you achieve your business’ goals.

Orlando WordPress Maintenance

If you would like professional Orlando web designers to build or improved your website in 2019, reach out! We are a leading Orlando Web Design company specialized in online marketing, SEO & web development.



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